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Constitution of the Westbourne Orchestral Society

Registered Charity Number 282074


The society shall be called Westbourne Orchestral Society, hereinafter referred to as WOS.



To educate the public in the arts and sciences and in particular the art and science of music by the presentation of concerts and other activities and in further of the above objects but not further or otherwise, the society shall have power to:

  1. Play music by forming its playing members into a symphony orchestra for the purpose of encouraging musical talent and musical appreciation;

  2. Organise and arrange for meetings, lectures and publications




  1. Members shall elect between 3 and 10 Trustees who shall be entrusted to manage the charity. They will retire at the next AGM but may stand for re-election.

  2. The Trustees shall consist of the following: Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary, along with a Librarian and not more than 6 further Trustees, of which, not more than two may be non-playing members.




In order to carry out the charitable purposes, the Trustees have the power to:


  1. Decide when Trustee meetings of WOS shall be held, and give at least 7 days’ notice of such meetings to all members.

  2. Create sub-committees as deemed necessary.

  3. Determine the level of subscription rates.

  4. Co-opt members to fill positions on the Committee as deemed necessary.

  5. Act in all matters and employ WOS funds in such a manner as deemed most effective and in the best interests of WOS.

  6. To raise funds on behalf of WOS.

  7. To receive funds from the benefactors, sponsors and other organisations/individuals.

  8. Ensure correct financial management.

  9. Nominate the Officers to be authorised cheque signatories; two signatures will invariably be required when funds are drawn from WOS’s accounts.

  10. To arrange the necessary insurance of WOS’s instruments and possessions.

  11. To arrange appropriate concert venues.

  12. Take any action reasonably necessary to pursue and attain the aims of WOS.




  1. Trustees must hold at least 3 meetings each year.  

  2. At their first meeting after the AGM the Trustees will elect a Chairperson, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. 

  3. A Librarian should also be appointed.

  4. At least 3 Trustees must be present at each meeting to be able to take decisions.  

  5. Trustees may act by majority decision.

  6. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting.

  7. If any Trustee has a conflict of interest they must declare it and leave the meeting while this matter is being discussed or decided.

  8. During the year, the Trustees may appoint up to 2 additional Trustees. 

  9. The Trustees may make reasonable additional rules to help run the charity. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law.




  1. Membership shall be open to all those who are interested in the aims of WOS.

  2. The members of WOS shall be those who pay the subscription at the appropriate rate, as determined by the Trustees and agreed at the AGM.

  3. There may be playing members, non-playing members and honorary members.

  4. The Trustees will keep an up-to-date membership list.

  5. Playing members shall provide such evidence of musical ability as the Trustees may require.

  6. All playing members will be expected to be regular in their attendance at rehearsals and advise a Trustee if they are unable to attend.

  7. The Trustees may remove a person’s membership if they believe it is in the best interests of the charity.  The member has the right to be heard by the trustees before the decision is made and can be accompanied by a friend.




Subscription rates and dates for payment shall be set by the Trustees and agreed at the AGM.




  1. The financial year shall end on 28th February each year (29th February in a leap year).

  2. Money and property must only be used for the charity’s purposes.

  3. Trustees must keep accounts and the most recent annual accounts can be seen by anybody on request.

  4. WOS may receive donations, grants in aid and financial guarantees.

  5. Tickets for all or any concerts, or other events, may be offered for sale to the public.

  6. Trustees cannot receive any money or property from the charity, except to refund reasonable out of pocket expenses.

  7. Money must be held in the charity’s bank account.  All payments must be authorised by 2 signatories/trustees.

  8. All monies at any time belonging to WOS and not required for immediate application for its aims, may be invested by the Trustees as they deems fit, but so that monies subject to the jurisdiction of the Charity Commissioners shall only be invested in such investments as may for the time being be prescribed by law.

  9. The Trustees may borrow, for the aims of WOS, such monies at such rate of interest and in such manner as it may think fit, subject to the approval of members at an AGM.




  1. Annual General Meeting (AGM): The AGM shall be held annually, ideally before the end of the summer term.

  2. Notice: All members must be given 14 days’ notice and shall be notified in writing, by email and/or social media.

  3. Venue/Media: Meetings may be held in person, via video meeting or a mixture of both if applicable.

  4. AOB: Any Other Business items should reach the Honorary Secretary, in writing/by e-mail, at least 7 days before the meeting. 

  5. Quorum: There must be at least 20 members present at the AGM. 

  6. Voting: Every member has one vote. Voting may be by a show of hands or by voting cards at the discretion of the Trustees, but must be done in person.

  7. Business: The Society’s Chairperson shall preside at all AGMs and the existing Trustees shall present the annual report and accounts.

  8. Election of Trustees: Any member may stand for election as a Trustee and members shall elect between 3 and 10 Trustees to serve for the next year. They will retire at the next AGM but may stand for re-election.

  9. Mandatory items for the Agenda:

    • Apologies for absence

    • Approval of minutes

    • Matters arising from previous AGM minutes

    • Annual report(s)

    • Adoption of accounts

    • To set the subscription rate for WOS’s Membership for the forthcoming year

    • Election of Trustees

    • Other business (subject to 7 days’ notice)

  10. Decisions at EGM’s: All decisions require a two thirds majority to be accepted.




a): If the Trustees consider it is necessary to change the Constitution, or wind up the charity, they must call an Extra General Meeting (EGM) so that the membership can make the decision. Trustees must also call an Extra General Meeting if they receive a written request from the majority of members.  

b) All members must be given 14 days notice and told the reason for the meeting.  

  1. Dissolution/Winding Up: Any money or property remaining after payment of debts must be given to a charity with similar purposes to this one. 

  2. Decisions at EGM’s: All decisions require a two thirds majority to be accepted.

  3. Minutes must be kept.   




  1. Amendments to the Constitution can be made at AGMs or EGMs. 

  2. No change can be made that would make the organisation no longer a charity.

  3. Amendments to this Constitution require a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote at any AGM or EGM.




Appointments for the following positions may be subject to annual review by the Trustees at the end of the Spring term, after due and full consultation with WOS playing members:

  • Conductor

  • Deputy Conductor

  • Leader




  1. If a decision to change a Conductor has been taken by the Trustees in conjunction with the orchestra, the selection process for a new Conductor should take place during the Summer and/or Autumn Term of the orchestra’s year, to enable a new appointment to be made in time for the start of the Autumn or Spring terms respectively.

  2. The appointment of a conductor shall involve a selection process determined by the Trustees, and involving all playing members of the orchestra, whose final decision will be made through a secret ballot.


Updated October 2020

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